14 Country-Themed Shower Curtains That Can Take Your Bathroom Out West!

Are you a country gal or guy? You don’t have to be living in Montana or Wyoming for that (though it does help *wink*). You can bring the Great American West right into your home, and even bathroom with interior design. And a country-themed shower curtain can do just that!   Shower curtains tend to… Continue reading 14 Country-Themed Shower Curtains That Can Take Your Bathroom Out West!

How To Hide Pipes Behind A Bathroom Sink [7 Great Methods]

While plumbing is an important component of every home and apartment, its visibility can sometimes be unsightly. Exposed pipes and awkward drain tanks can take away from the appeal of your living space– especially the ones beneath the bathroom sink. But how can you hide these pipes? We’ve looked into a few ways to do… Continue reading How To Hide Pipes Behind A Bathroom Sink [7 Great Methods]

14 Pink and Gold Shower Curtains That Will Glam Up Your Bathroom

    Pink and gold is a simple and chic color palette. Used with darker and more saturated hues, it can be youthful and bold. Pastel pinks and champagne golds can be used for a more feminine and muted look. The classic combo lends itself to a variety of different beautiful bathroom themes. Your shower… Continue reading 14 Pink and Gold Shower Curtains That Will Glam Up Your Bathroom